Nancy D Valladares


  A narrative of kinship and symbiosis that begins with Djulis and its kindred. 3000 Years Among Microbes is a speculative project in collaboration with Rae Yuping Hsu, Chi Pohao, and Nancy Valladares, crossing between the domains of science fiction, generative sound, and filmmaking. In collaboration with  artist, scientists, and researchers, it asks questions about space futures and inter-planetary multispecies imaginaries.

Djulis 002, Installation View. HD video, Greenhouse, Chenopodium Formosanum flowers

Film Stills, Djulis 002, 2020.

The skies are storied, but mainstream narratives too often than not, tells us only stories of conquest. How can we use the momentum of the new space age to tell a different story that does not portray outer space as just another open frontier to extend imperialism and colonial projects into?